THE CODE For Palindrome

                            // Step One, get the information (controller, accept requests)
                            function getMessage() {
                                let msg = document.getElementById("txtMessage").value;
                                // validate that input isn't an empty string
                                if (msg !== '') {
                                    // convert to lowercase
                                    msg = msg.toLowerCase();
                                    // remove spaces and special characters using regex
                                    msg = msg.replace(/[^A-Z0-9]/ig, '');
                                    // check to see if palindrome
                                    let message = palindromeChecker(msg);
                                    displayMessage(message, msg);
                                } else { // if the string is empty
                                    alert("Please enter some text. Otherwise I'll be sad.");
                            function palindromeChecker(message) {
                                let msg = message;
                                let revMsg = "";
                                // could also call reverse string function from other assignment
                                revMsg = msg.split("").reverse().join("");
                                // boolean used to track if palindrome
                                let isPalindrome = true;
                                // since palindrome is same backwards and forwards only need to check to halfway point
                                // loop halfway through the array
                                for (let i = 0; i < (message.length - 1) / 2; i++) {
                                    // check if value at array and reversed array match at each index up to one half the length
                                    if (msg[i] != revMsg[i]) {
                                        isPalindrome = false;
                                        return isPalindrome;
                                return isPalindrome;
                            // Final Step, display the information (view, displays stuff on screen)
                            function displayMessage(isPalindrome, msg) {
                                // reverse the message for the output
                                let revMessage = msg.split("").reverse().join("");
                                // first get the element from the page
                                element = document.getElementById("results");
                                if (isPalindrome == false) {
                                    // set the message for the element when not a palindrome
                                    element.innerHTML = `The word is: ${msg}
The word reversed is: ${revMessage}
Sorry, I'm not a palindrome. :(`; } else { // set the message for the element when a palindrome element.innerHTML = `The word is: ${msg}
The word reversed is: ${revMessage}
I'm a palindrome!!! :)`; } } function clrInputBox() { // this clears the input field after it's displayed document.getElementById("txtMessage").value = ''; }